Tuesday 8 October 2013

Can you see the Rainbow?

Today was a sick day for me. The last few days I've been fighting the achy, stuffy nose, sore throat, cough (this is not a NyQuil plug I swear) feeling and last night it finally broke. Woke up today with no voice and couldn't get my head off the pillow. My boss told me to get some rest yesterday because I didn't look like myself so I knew he wouldn't be surprised I was staying home. So I listened to my body and rested. ALL day pretty much. Its amazing how much you can sleep when your under the weather. Fortunately I had a little snuggle bug, my Maltese dog Miss Mia who was quite happy to nap with her mom for the day.

In between napping and blowing my nose, I answered some emails for work and obviously checked in on my favourite social media sites. Everyone looks at Facebook when their sick, please don't judge! Around 3:30pm my phone rang which I ignored but they had left a voicemail. This is the only way I will check my phone because my curiosity always gets the best of me. What is the message is super important?? It happened to be our jeweller calling saying my engagement ring was done being sized. Yay! My fiance proposed a few weeks ago and I wore the ring for a while but ultimately it was just too big. I grudgingly gave it back to the jeweller and today the long await is over. This perked up my spirits so I dragged my bum out of bed, put on my favourite lulu's and out the door I went. After picking up my ring (in the rain by the way) I got in my car and started to drive home. Within a few minutes, the sun started to come out and a beautiful rainbow appeared right before my eyes. It was huge! If I hadn't gotten the call about my ring, I would of missed the enchanting sight I had just witnessed. Rainbows always remind me of magic and good fortune (I've watched too many Disney movies with leprechauns and pots of gold), but it really did get me thinking about how grateful I am lately. Sometimes we have to go through the rain in life so to speak to get to the sunshine and rainbows. I hope everyone leaving work today in Calgary was able to the see the bright lines in the sky and gives you a little something to be grateful about too :) Here are some pics that I took, I pulled my car over I promise.

Now I'm back home and to warm up I've made my own version of Pumpkin Spiced Chai-tea latte that I would like to share with you:

1 Green tea bag or any tea of your choice (boil or microwave and steep for about three minutes
In a magic bullet or blender, add about 1/4 cup of Almond milk or more if like it really creamy
1 tbsp of organic pumpkin and 1 tbsp of vanilla extract
Add a sprinkling of cinnamon and nutmeg and blend away for about 30 seconds
Pour concoction into your tea and sprinkle with more cinnamon on top
I served mine with a bit of dark chocolate (I'm sick, chocolate cheers me up)

Wishing you all a great night, and back to bed I go :)


  1. I love your blog Sam! Chai lattes are my addiction, so I'm looking forward to trying this recipe. Feel better! :)

  2. Thanks Steph, so glad you like it!!
