Monday, 21 October 2013

Weekend Re-cap

It's Monday again, wow time is flying by. We started discussing Christmas parties at work today, umm it's not even Halloween yet?! Don't you think we really do rush our lives away at times? I remember when I was in high school, all I wanted was time to hurry up. I wanted to get my license, get a real job, get married, have kids...whoa! I would really now tell my former self to calm the F down. There is NO RUSH in life. I have learned more recently that any time I'm freaking out about something, its usually because I'm living in the future and out of the present. If you just take a second to appreciate the moment, the things you need usually become a lot clearer. That's my philosophy from now on :)

Now back to reality. It was a busy weekend but I did get some down time in. Friday I was wiped from work so I literally watched four episodes of the show Suits and layed on our couch (compelling I know). Has anyone seen the show though? Honestly it's my new obsession and I barely watch TV. Suits is based on a law firm from New York City (but it's actually filmed in Toronto which I love) and the lawyer Harvey Specter on the show is such a babe. Something about a man who gets things done! That's one of the reasons why I'm marrying my fiance...he makes a decision and boom it's done, no hesitating. That's a great quality to have. Here is a pic of Suits, Harvey is on the right...damn...

Saturday I woke up early and my honey and I ran 10km outside which was a great way to check out houses in new neighbourhoods. Why waste gas when you can run? I then headed to a pre-wedding brunch at the Danish Club downtown. They seriously had the biggest omelet bar I've ever seen with about every topping you can imagine; sausage, shrimp, cheese, peppers, pineapple, onions...I could go on. It was awesome.

Saturday night I had a girl's night out at Hifi to see a fashion show, ACTLIKEUKN. It was awesome! The best part was my beautiful sister did all the make-up for the models. They looked fierce! I was so proud to see her in her element. The show was captivating and we even got to meet the Jamaican bobsled team who made an appearance, how cool is that? :) Unfortunately all of the pics I took are so blurry but I did one with us and a few of the bobsledders:

Sunday was brunch with friends at the new Red's Diner in Ramsay which I definitely recommend. The building has high ceilings and a lot of character. Great food and even better coffee. GO THERE :)
I did a bit of cooking as well on Sunday but honestly we ate out a lot this weekend. Was nice to see some friend's we haven't in a while and re-connect.

I PROMISE to have some good recipes posted later this week. I've been thinking about lots, now just need to put them into action. I've realized in order to really keep up on this blog, I need to be more organized in my real life. I don't even have kids yet, have no idea how you parents juggle everything. I give you SO MUCH CREDIT.

I'm off to bed early so hope everyone has great night and we'll chat soon!

Wishing you blessings and love,
Sam :)

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