What a weekend! I can't tell you how grateful I am to have today off. Entertaining, cooking, eating, and drinking can really take its toll on a person. First world problems I know. I hope everyone had a relaxing Thanksgiving filled with family, friends and delicious food. We really do have so many things to be thankful for and its important to remember those everyday, not just Thanksgiving.
Today is a new day and I am detoxing...for the rest of the week actually. After a few too many treats and glasses of vino, I am ready to buckle down on my diet and up my training. I woke up early and replicated my workout from Saturday; spin class at One Cycle and a 40 minute run around elbow park. It felt so good to be out in the fresh air and have some time to clear my head. I really do enjoy my alone time to think, helps reset my mind and puts things into perspective. What did you get up to today?
I visualised crossing the finish line at the Hawaii 70.3 half Ironman in Hawaii. This will be my greatest physical accomplishment to date and its been enjoyable so far pushing my body to run further, swim longer and bike my heart out. This sounds a little deep I know but training does that to me! In more preparation for the Ironman, I was recommended by my trainer Jon at 2110 Fitness to read the book, Power Speed Endurance, A Skill-Based Approach to Endurance Training by Brian Mackenzie. I picked it up from Chapters yesterday and today I can't put it down. Brian is the founder of Crossfit Endurance and has created a controversial endurance training foundation based more on intensity principals than slow and steady workouts. This is the method I will be using until our race in May so please keep reading for my progress and updates. Here is the book if you'd like to check it out:
On the nutrition front, I'm not a big believer in the conventional "cleanses" you can buy at pretty much any health food or drugstore, but I do believe in incorporating foods that enable your body to detox for itself. A trick I do every morning is drink a large glass of warm water with lemon juice. Lemon juice is a natural detoxifier and the warm water soothes your bowels. This is probably the easiest way to rid your body of extra water you may be holding and jump start your day so to speak. There is also The Master Cleanse that has been around forever where you eat literally nothing for 10 days but drink purified water with lemon juice, cayenne pepper and a tbsp of 100 percent pure maple syrup. I have done this cleanse (while competing for a fitness competition actually) and I sure got lean on it but thought I was going to pass out while training so hard. I definitely don't recommend the Master Cleanse but I do from time to time sip the drink throughout the day while sticking to my regular meal plan. This is beneficial after the holidays where you may have indulged a bit too much like I always do.
A few other items your body will thank you for is Ginger and Peppermint. Both come in a tea form that I drink almost everyday, or ginger is great to add to soups, stews or stir fry's. Both act to neutralise the acid in our stomachs, relieve indigestion and heartburn and soothe even the worst tummy ache. Ginger is also great for nausea. If any of you ladies are preggers, ginger should become your best friend! These two herbal remedies are much gentler ways to honour your body than the harsh cleanses sold on the market.
With all this detoxing, you still need to eat! I cooked so much this weekend, my fridge is stocked with grassfed meatloaf, stew, left over turkey and home-made meatballs. Meatballs are very easy to prepare and you can make a ton of them to freeze for a quick meal or snack when your short on time. We probably made 5 dozen this weekend. Preparation is key for success! I hear soooooo many times; "I don't have time to cook or eat healthy"...umm neither do I, but I MAKE time. It's really about setting your priorities. If you have time to watch two hours of TV a night then you most certainly have time to create some healthy meals for the week. What is more important to you?
Here is the meatball recipe that you can create in less than 30 minutes:
Pre-heat oven to 350 degrees.
Place 2lbs of ground beef (grassfed preferred) in a large bowl.
Add one egg and half of a large onion minced.
Add 1/3 cup of coconut flour.
Sprinkle your favourite salt free seasonings and knead your (clean) hands through the meat...this is the fun part haha.
Make sure you have a cookie sheet lined and ready to go.
Pick up about a Tbsp of meat, smoosh in your hand and gently roll until it forms a ball. I usually make my meatballs a bit larger since they shrink when you cook them.
Once all the meatballs are created, place on cookie sheet and bake for 10-12 minutes. Then flip or turn over and cook for an additional 10-12 minutes.
Take out of the over to cool and serve. Presto! That wasn't very hard, was it? :)
I froze a few dozen of ours in plastic freezer lock bags and kept a few to add to cooked vegetables and salads. You really can't ever go wrong with this kind of meal. Eat your veggies friends!!
This is a short work week for most of us so time to get focused with our goals and do what is necessary to succeed. What I have learned in greater detail recently, is that you CAN or CANNOT do something based on what you believe about yourself. If you think you can't do something, change your story! You are the author of your book and why not make it an awesome one? I plan on accomplishing more than I ever have this year and I KNOW I'm going to do it. Its taken me a while to get to this place and I have a lot of people in my life who are helping me achieve these dreams that I'm forever grateful to. If you need some help, and we all usually do, send me a note! I'm always hear to listen and provide any advice I can. Sometimes all you need is a little pep talk and you'll be on your way to greatness :)
I hope everyone has a great night and I look forward to chatting with you soon.
Wishing you lots of blessings and love,
Sam :)
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